This project was funded by the European Union (EU) through the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations at US$ 10, 874,837 .00.
The specific objective of the project includes;
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the implementation of Papua New Guinea's policies and measures for climate change mitigation. Thus the project will support the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Forest Authority to implement a continuous and multi-purpose National Forest Inventory (NFI) as part of a National Forest Monitoring System that will fulfil the UNFCCC Cancun and Copenhagen decision requests.
The expected outputs/results of the project are:
- To improve the capacity of the PNG Forest Authority and the University of Technology-Department of Forestry on continuous and multi-purpose forest inventory;
- To establish the first multi-purpose NFI of PNG. This NFI will be a basis for planning activities in the forestry sector and in particular for those related to sustainable forest management. The NFI will also be a key element of the National Forest Monitoring System that PNG is required to establish in order to participate at the expected UNFCCC mechanism on REDD+ (decision 4/CP.15 and 1/CP.16) and will be one of the main data sources for the PNG national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory that the country will use to ensure that its Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV), including REDD+ mitigation activities in the forestry sector;
- To set up an NFI Information and data sharing system to support stakeholder participation and enhance NFI transparency;
- Support for forestry education and research. To support forest inventory courses within PNG university system and to carry out specific forestry and landscape studies including ones on allometric equations, wood density, forest land uses, biodiversity and indigenous forest practices;
- To enhance policy and legislative dialogue on forestry.