Reforest Central Province Grassland with High Value Trees

This project was funded by the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO) at a cost of US$ 828, 576.00.

Overall Project Objective

A model reforestation framework is created that encourages customary landowners in Central Province lowlands to grow high value trees on their grassland areas thereby steadily improving the social, environmental and economic situation in Central Province.

Expected Outcomes

1. A reforestation awareness programme is established for the landowners and wider

2. A business training and support package is established for small scale reforestation

3. An (agro) forestry training and support package is established for small scale reforestation
enterprises and

4. A distribution system is established and providing (agro) forestry stock and materials for
model reforestation enterprises.



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P.O. Box 5055, Boroko, NCD
