Capacity Development Project For Operationalization of Information Management System for Addressing Climate Change

This is the second JICA project currently being implemented funded by the Japanese government through JICA at a cost of K17,223,000 for a period of five (5) years which commenced in 2014.
Objective expected to be achieved by the end of the project period.
The capacity of the PNGFA to continuously update forest data and to fully utilize its database for assessing the state of forest is enhanced to promote sustainable forest management and mitigation of Climate Change.


  • Updated available forest resource information of the country.
  • Improved forest management plans and monitoring system
  • Improved the data sharing and reporting protocols for REDD+
  • Improved institutional capacity of PNGFA and other collaborators.
  • Capacity to continuously update forest information by using the database for Sustainable Forest Management and Climate Change.
  • Expansion of DataBase
  • Forest Plan and Monitoring
  • Information for addressing REDD-plus



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