Enabling Community Forestry in Papua New Guinea


Aim: To improve rural livelihoods through family-focused community reforestation and Eco forestry in PNG

Objective 1: Design and test novel tree-based livelihood systems for family-focused community-based reforestation

Objective 2: Identify the methods by which family-focused community-based reforestation can be expanded to a greater number of clans

Objective 3: Identify and pilot test institutional arrangements and policy recommendations for ecoforestry which improve access to formal value-added timber markets


Activity 1.2 Develop bio-economic models for tree-based livelihood systems. Outputs: Bio-economic models for home garden-based tree systems

Activity 1.3 Establish field trials which address key areas of technical deficiency in respect to tree-based livelihood systems. Outputs: Report outlining details of the network of field trials in, Ramu/Markham Valleys and the Eastern Highlands established.

Activity 2.1 Assess community-based landscape-scale reforestation initiatives in the Asia-Pacific to identify key factors likely to impact success for scaling out. Outputs: Report outlining key drivers of success.

Activity 2.2 Explore the social processes by which decision-making and negotiation occur between clans and individual clan members, paying particular attention to the role of women, regarding landscape-scale reforestation. Outputs: Report outlining an analysis of social dynamics related to decision-making and participation.

Activity 2.3 Develop and test a process for facilitating and supporting negotiations and conflict management between clans and between clans and individual clan members to enable landscape-scale reforestation. Output: Report outlining the results of the tests of the process for facilitating and supporting landscape-scale reforestation.

Activity 2.4 Design and pilot test improved approaches for implementing and scaling out reforestation in PNG. Output: Report on the design for improved approaches for scaling out reforestation and include suggestions for Inputs to national reforestation policy through the Forest Directorate.

Activity 2.5 Implement pilot reforestation initiatives in partnership with up to four communities and up to 50 families in the Ramu-Markham Valley and the Eastern Highlands. Outputs: Report detailing the pilot family-based tree systems established in partnership with four to six communities in Ramu/Markham Valley and the Eastern Highlands. The report will also include key findings and recommendations for policy inputs to national reforestation policy through the Forest Directorate.

Activity 2.6 Review and revise and update extension materials and best practice guidelines from previous ACIAR projects in PNG and elsewhere to include information from current trials in PNG. Outputs: Best practice guidelines and training manuals.

Activity 2.7 Design and implement a monitoring program to assess family-focused community forestry initiatives. Outputs: Report detailing the monitoring framework developed and the results of its implementation.

Activity 3.1 Identify key constraints associated with the current Timber Agreement process for clan access to formal timber markets. Outputs: Report on the key constraints for communities to sell timber and non-timber products, and understanding of key issues associated with the Timber Agreement process.

Activity 3.2 Identify possible ways to improve the Timber Agreement process for communities to access formal timber markets. Outputs: Report covering options for revised processes, documents requirements and costs to enable communities to market their timber profitably policy as inputs to national ecoforestry policy through the PNGFA.

Activity 3.3 Develop Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) for ecoforestry to be included in the Timber Agreement. Outputs: Report outlining revised guidelines for RIL and Management Plans suitable for clan-based harvesting operations as inputs to national ecoforestry policy through the PNGFA.

Activity 3.4 Undertake combined demonstration of the main aspects of the revised RIL and Management Plans for clans in the field near Lae and in a workshop. Outputs: Demonstration forest established in the field for clans, small scale operators and PNGFA field staff involved in ecoforestry and RIL.

Activity 3.5 Improve the management of the ecoforestry system and then returns to the resource owners. Outputs: Report outlining the process and considerations for improved ecoforestry in PNG as inputs to national ecoforestry policy through the PNGFA.

Activity 3.6 Identify alternative marketing models and develop financial/linear programming models to evaluate the financial performance of harvesting and marketing operations for small scale, clan-based operators in PNG. Outputs: Report and paper detailing financial and Linear Programming models developed for the analysis of alternative harvesting and marketing models.

Activity 3.7 With the assistance of Timber and Forestry Training College and the local saw-millers in Lae, explore value-adding opportunities for community timber. Identify local timber processors and their production and products and markets in the Lae/Madang area who would benefit from a revised TA and RIL Guidelines for small-holders involved in ecoforestry. Outputs: Report on the benefits and beneficiaries of the revised ecoforestry system to improve access to formal timber markets. 


  • Improved research skills (social and biophysical sciences) of project partners
  • Recommendations to PNGFA for policy changes.
  • Improved skills of families for reforestation practices, including the establishment of integrated agricultural and forestry systems along with improved livelihood options and greater food security of community members.
  • Increased numbers of households with better income from increased production from agroforestry established as part of project activities, and within the project lifespan from increased firewood and pole production and agriculture and plantation crops (cocoa and coffee)
  • Improved access of communities to formal timber markets
  • Revised Timber Agreements and processes suitable for ecoforestry in PNG
  • Revised Reduced Impact Logging guidelines for ecoforestry



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Phone: +675 3277 800

Fax: +675 325 4433

P.O. Box 5055, Boroko, NCD

Website: www.pngfa.gov.pg